All about rabbits
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Rabbit Glossary
- Abcess
- A hard swelling or isolated collection of pus or purulent matter occurring in the rabbit's skin. Accompanied by localized fever and heat.
- Adult
- Any fully developed, mature rabbit of breeding age. For show purposes, a rabbit 6 months of age or older in breeds having four showroom classes and 8 months or older in breeds having six showroom classes. See Senior.
- Agouti color pattern
- A hair shaft that has three or more bands of color with a definite break between each color. Usually dark slate at the base, with two or more alternating light and dark bands or rings interspersed with black guard hairs. The head, ears, and feet usually have ticking; the belly color is much lighter and does not carry ticking. Examples: steel or gray Flemish, Chinchilla, and Belgian Hares.
- Albino
- A pink-eyed, white furred/wooled rabbit.
- The initials of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., which promotes rabbits in the United States and foreign countries, provides for licensing of judges and registrars, and publishes a book of standards (The Standard of Perfection) which describes the desired characteristics for each recognized breed.
- Arch (Arc)
- A gentle curvature of the spine, which extends from the neck (or shoulders in some breeds) to the rear of the rabbit. It is best observed by viewing the animal in profile.
- Awn Fluff
- The soft, crimped, intermediate wool fibers ending with a straight tip. A type of wool fiber described in the Giant Angora standard.
- Awn Hair
- The strong, straight guard hair protruding above the undercoat (Awn Fluff) on the Giant Angora.
- Balance
- 1. Type: Shape or conformation. An orderly and pleasing arrangement
of physical characteristics so as to present a harmonious appearance.
2. Markings: Equal distribution of corresponding markings, such as color division of the Harlequin, equal amounts of color on the cheeks of the Dutch. Equal distribution of color in the pattern and side markings of the Checkered Giant, English Spot and Rhinelander.
- Bangs
- The longer wool appearing at the front base of the ears and top of the head in some wooled breeds.
- Banding
- 1. A hair shaft having various colors. Normally associated with an agouti coat.
2. An unbroken vertical circle of marking color, extending around the body of the Harlequin.
- Bare Spot
- A portion of the rabbit's pelt that lacks fur due to molt or any other cause.
- Barred
- 1. Elongated spots which should be round (as in the side markings of
the English Spot or Rhinelander, or the cheek spots of the Checkered
Giant, English Spot or Rhinelander).
2. Light colored streaks or bars on the front or rear feet.
3. A semi-circle of marking color, running vertically on the side of the Harlequin.
- Base Color
- The color of the fur next to the skin.
- Back
- The entire top portion of the rabbit, extending from neck to tail.
- Bell Ears
- Ears that have large tips with a distinct fall or lop.
- Belly
- The lower part of the body containing the intestines, the abdomen. For purposes of defining color area, it is the underbody of the rabbit from the forelegs to the crotch area.
- Belly Color
- The color on the underside of the rabbit, extending from the forelegs to the crotch area.
- Belt
- The line where the colored portion of the body meets the white portion just behind the shoulders. Example: Dutch breed.
- Blue-eyed white; white bunny with blue eyes resulting from two Vienna genes.
- Best in Show. A rabbit show award. Denotes the best rabbit at the show that day
- Blaze
- The white markings found on the head of the Dutch rabbit. It covers the nose, whisker bed and runs along the jawline. The shape is that of a wedge, which tapers from the nose area to the base of the ears.
- Bloodline
- A term incorrectly used to denote a strain of rabbits.
- Bloom
- The vitality and finish of a coat in good condition.
- Boots
- The colored markings on the rear feet and legs of Himalayan marked rabbits.
- Best of Breed. A rabbit show award. Denotes the best of a particular breed that day.
- Best of Opposite Sex. A rabbit show award.Denotes the best rabbit (opposite sex of BOB)
- Best of Opposite Sex of Variety. A rabbit show award.
- Best of Variety. A rabbit show award.
- Boils
- A localized area of inflammation caused by an infection under the skin, in a gland, or in a hair shaft. It produces a localized swelling, heat and redness. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Bowed Legs
- May be applied to the fore or hind legs. Bent like a bow. Legs curved out-wardly or inwardly from the middle. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Breed
- A class of domestic rabbit which reproduces itself with distinctive characteristics, such as fur, markings, shape, and size. A breed may be divided into varieties which are generally identified by color. A breed may be subdivided into varieties. Example: Black, Blue, and Tortoise varieties of the Dutch breed.
- Breeder
1. Anyone who raises a special variety or varieties of rabbits or cavies which comply with their accepted Standard of Perfection.
2. A rabbit used primarily to produce offspring.
- Breeding Certificate
- A written certificate issued by the owner of a stud buck, showing It's pedigree in full, and the date of breeding to a particular doe. It is issued as proof of the ancestry of the anticipated litter.
- Brindling
- 1. The longer tipped guard hairs carried up the sides of Tans.
2. An inter mixture of two colors without definite pattern.
- Best Reserve in Show ~ the rabbit of any breed judged to be second best at a show. This BRIS does not have to be the opposite sex of the BIS.
- Broken Coat
- A coat with guard hairs missing or broken in spots, which exposes the undercoat. Areas where the coat is affected by molt which exposes the undercoat.
- Broken Color
- Any recognized rabbit breed color in conjunction with white, and carrying the breed pattern.
- Broken Ear
- A distinct break in the cartilage of the ear which prevents erect ear carriage A Disqualification from Competition.
- Broken Tail
- A tail that is, or has been broken and is out of line. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Buck
- An unaltered or intact male rabbit.
- Buck Teeth
- A form of malocclusion where the incisors meet together evenly instead of the upper incisors overlapping the lower incisors (also called "pegged" teeth). A Disqualification from Competition. See Wolf Teeth.
- Buff
- A rich golden orange color with a creamy cast.
- Bull Dog
- A short, broad, bold head with a definite masculine appearance..
- Butterfly
- A nose marking found on many breeds and Broken varieties. The wing portions cover the whisker bed and upper lip, with the body or nose fork extending up the center of the face..
- Caked Teats or Udders
- Engorgement of a does mammary glands and teats with an abundant milk supply (inflammation usually indicates mastitis).
- Cannibalism
- The practice of a doe eating her own young.
- Cap
- The marking line where lower ear color stops and joins head color. Specified in the Checkered Giant.
- Carcass Weight
- The weight of the rabbit after it has been processed.
- Carriage
- The manner in which a rabbit carries itself.
1. The style or characteristic pose of a rabbit.
2. The style in which a rabbit carries its ears.
- Chain
- The arrangement of spots on an English Spot, starting at the ear/neck with spots about the size of a pea, and taking a downward course toward the stomach/abdomen.
- Charlie
- An extremely lightly marked animal in marked breeds or Broken Groups. Usually having colored ears, light eye circles and a Charlie Chaplin mustache like marking for a butterfly and are also usually devoid of back and side markings. The trait is usually genetically recessive.
- Cheek
- 1. The sides of the face below the eyes.
2. The rounded color head marking that forms the blaze and carries down along the jaw line of a Dutch.
- Chest
- The front portion of the body between the forelegs and neck.
- Choppy (or Chopped Off)
- A condition in which a rabbit is not well filled out and rounded in the loin and rump area.
- Classification
- A system of arranging the judging within different breeds. Typically a group of rabbits that fall into the same gender, pattern and age group.
- Clean
- 1. A term used on French Angora, Satin Angora, Jersey Wooly and
FUZZY Lops head, ears, feet and legs denoting the presence of normal fur
(absence of wool) in those places.
2. A marking term denoting well formed markings without congestion or drags.
- Cobby
- A term meaning stout and stocky: short legged.
- Cold
- An infection localized in the nose. Usually characterized by repeated sneezing and the discharge of fluid from the nose. Sometimes accompanied by matted fur on the inside of the front feet. A Disqualification from Competition. (Note: In judging, the matted fur is only an indication and shall not be considered as conclusive evidence of a cold).
- Compatible
- In eye color, normal color that complements or matches the body color.
- Condition
- The overall physical state of a rabbit in relation to its health, cleanliness, fur and grooming.
- Conjunctivitis
- Inflammation of the inner membrane of the eyelid and sometimes the portion of the membrane that covers the white of the eye. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Convention
- The national rabbit show held by ARBA and sponsored by a local rabbit club for all breeds usually held in the fall. Many states hold conventions as well.
- Coprophagy (Cecotrophy)
- The normal practice of the rabbit consuming some of the droppings (soft night feces) directly from the anus.
- Cow Hocks
- Hind legs that turn inward at the hock causing the foot portion to turn outward from the body. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Creamy
- A term meaning light colored. The color of cream.
- Crossbreeding
- Mating individuals of different breeds. Thus making a non showable rabbit.
- Crown
- A strong basal ridge of cartilage at the top of the head between the ear base on some lop-eared breeds.
- Culling
- The process of selecting only the best rabbits from a litter for future breeding and show stock by selling or slaughtering the least desirable specimens from a litter.
- Dam
- The mother of a rabbit.
- Density
- The property or quality of a thick coat of fur. The number of fur fibers in a give area.
- Definition
- 1. The sharpness and clarity of a color break on a hair shaft, as the ring color in Agouti fur.
2. Sometimes used to describe color contrasts.
- Depth
- 1. Measurement downward from the top line of the body to the lowest portion of the body.
2. Sometimes used to describe the extension of color down the hair shaft.
- Deviated Sternum
- A condition in which the connecting tissue of the ribs and/or breast - bone fuse together forming an irregular sternum. Typically found at the lower end of the rib cage and is characterized as a lump or cone shaped bony protrusion, which may also extend up into the internal cavity of the animal. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Dew Claw
- An extra toe or functionless digit on the inside of the front leg.
- Dewlap
- A pendulous fold of loose skin which hangs from the throat. Common in does. Should be in proportion to the total body size. Not accepted in some breeds.
- Disqualification or DQ
- One or more permanent defects, deformities, or blemishes that make a rabbit unfit to win an award in competition or to take part in an exhibition. (Disqualified rabbits are not eligible for registration by the ARBA)
- Doe
- An unaltered or intact female rabbit.
- Drags
- Intrusions of color markings into a white marking area or visa versa.
- Dressing
- See Processing.
- Ear Canker
- An inflamed scabby condition deep inside the ear. It is caused by an infestation of the ear canal by rabbit ear mites. A Disqualification from Competition.
- Ear Lacing
- A colored line of fur which outlines the sides and tips of the ears. Extension
1. Length of leg and limb.
2. Depth of color carried down a hair shaft.
- Elimination
- One or more defects presumed to be temporary and curable. Cause for elimination in a show or from registration until cured or corrected.
- Embryo
- A kit in the early stages of development inside the doe.
- Enteritis
- Inflammation of the intestinal tract which can often be a fatal illness of the digestive system characterized by diarrhea and brought on by stress, excessive carbohydrate consumption and/or weaning.
- Entry
- entries are rabbits that will participate in a particular show.
- Eye Bands
- The color around the eye on Dwarf Hotot or Hotot.
- Eye Circle
- Even marking of color around both eyes. Example: Checkered Giant.
- Eye Color
- The color of the iris. The circle of color which surrounds the pupil of the eye.
- Eye Stain
- Splotches or streaks of color around the eyes in Himalayan and pointed white varieties.
- Faking
- Any dying, plucking, trimming or clipping so as to alter appearance. (Includes coloring toenails, powdering and indiscriminate use of grooming preparations designed to alter the natural condition or appearance.)
- Faults
- Imperfections. Conditions or characteristics that are unacceptable and will result in lower show placing but not disqualification. Examples: broken toenails, cheek spots to large, and poor tail carriage.
- Fine Coat
- A coat of fur too fine in texture, lacking body. Guard hairs are weak and thin in structure. Lacking the proper amount of guard hairs.
- Finish
- The desired degree of perfection in condition. Fully prime coat, color and flesh.
- Flabby
- The condition of a rabbit when the flesh or fur hangs loosely. Not trim and shapely.
- Flank
- The sides of the rabbit between the ribs and hips and above the belly.
- Flat Coat
- Fur lying too closely to the body. Lacks spring or body as noted by touch. Usually a fine coat coupled with a lack of density.
- Flat Shoulders
- A trait that occurs when the top line over the shoulders is noticeably parallel to the surface of the judging table. A lack of continuous arch from the neck over the shoulders.
- Fly Back
- The property of fur that causes it to return quickly to its normal position when stroked toward the head of the rabbit.
- Flying Coat
- The condition of a coat that is loose and fluffy, caused by undue length and thinness of under wool and weak guard hairs.
- Foot
- The part of the leg on which the rabbit stands. On the foreleg, that portion below the ankle or pattern. On the rear leg, that portion below the hock joint.
- Forehead
- The front part of the head between the eyes and the base of the ears.
- Foreign Color
- Any color of fur, nails, or eyes differing from that called for in the ARBA Standard of Perfection for the breed or variety.
- Four Class Rabbits
- Rabbit show category for all breeds having ideal adult weight under 9 pounds. There are four show classes for these rabbits: senior bucks, senior does, junior bucks, and junior does.
- Forequarters
- The portion of the body starting with the neck, back to and including the last rib.
- Fostering
- The use of a doe other than the dam to nurse and raise young kits.
- Fringes
- The wool appearing on the ears of some woolen breeds. Falls between the tassels and the bangs.
- Fryer
- A young meat animal, which for show purposes, cannot be over 10 weeks of age or weigh over 5 lbs
- Furnishings
- The tassels and fringes on the ears, the bangs and head side trimmings on some wooled breeds.
- Genotype
- The genetically inherited characteristics and potential of the rabbit stock.
- Gestation
- The period of time that a doe carries young in its uterus. Pregnancy. Normal length is 28-32 days.
- Glossy
- The reflection of luster or brightness from naturally healthy fur in rabbits. Improved by grooming.
- Grand Champion
- a rabbit that has earned three or more legs, at least one of them being a senior leg, under at least two different judges. To obtain a grand champion number and certificate, the legs must be submitted with a fee to ARBA.
- Group
- A broader classification than variety, usually applied to color groupings.
- Guard Hair
- The longer, coarser, projecting hair of the rabbit's coat which offers protection to the undercoat and furnishes wearing quality to the coat in addition to providing sheen.
- Hairline
- A narrow white line running between the ears, connecting the blaze and collar on the Dutch.
- Herdsman Points
- One herdsman point is awarded to each HLRSC member for each different rabbit that wins a Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex in sanctioned shows. Herdsman points are indicators of the depth of the quality of a particular herd.
- Hindquarters
- The after-portion or posterior section of the body, made up of loins, hips, hind legs, and rump.
- Hip
- The thigh joint and large, muscular first joint of the hind leg.
- Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club - national specialty club for Holland Lops. All Holland Lop breeders should belong to HLRSC.
- Hock
- The middle joint or section of the hind leg between the foot and hip.
- Hog Fat
- The condition of a rabbit obviously over-fattened and, as a result, out of proportion to the true type of the breed.
- Hump Back
- The condition of having a hump or protrusion on the back, marring a gracefully arched outline.
- Inbreeding
- A breeding program involving the mating of closely related rabbit stock, such as brother and sister.
- Inherited
- The degree to which a trait or characteristic is passed on from a parent to offspring.
- Inner Ear
- The concave (curved inward) portion of the ear.
- Intermediate
- A show class term referring to rabbits that are at least 6 months old and no older than 8 months and that fulfill the weight requirements of the breed.
- Inventory
- A list of everything on hand that is necessary to the project. A beginning inventory is taken at the start of a project year. An ending inventory is taken at the close of a project year.
- Junior
- A show class term referring to rabbits that are under 6 months of age and that fulfill the weight requirements of the breed.
- Kindling
- The process of giving birth to kits.
- Kit
- Baby rabbit.
- Knee
- The second joint of the leg, connecting the thigh and leg. In animals, more properly called the "hock". The second joint of the foreleg is the elbow.
- Knock Kneed
- See Cow Hocks.
- Lapin
- French word for rabbit. Also, in the fur trade, it is dyed rabbit fur.
- Lazy Tail
- A tail that is slow to assume its normal position when it is moved.
- Leg
- a leg is earned by winning in an ARBA-sanctioned show as long as there are three exhibitors and five rabbits competing for the win. For example, first place in a class of five or more bunnies showed by three or more different exhibitors would earn a leg. For classes without enough exhibitors and/or bunnies, it may be possible to earn a leg by winning BOSV (if there are sufficient numbers of the related sex in the variety), BOV (if there are sufficient numbers in the entire variety), BOS (if there are sufficient number in the related sex of the breed) or BOB (if there are sufficient numbers in the entire breed). A rabbit may only earn one leg per judging.
- Line breeding
- A breeding program involving the mating of rabbits that are both descended from the same animal but are related several generations back. For example: mating first cousins, uncle to niece, or aunt to nephew.
- Litter
- Young rabbits of a doe born at the same time.
- Live Weight
- The weight of a rabbit before it is dressed for market.
- Loin
- The part of the back on either side of the spine and between the lower rib and hip joint.
- Loose Coat
- The condition of fur lacking density in the undercoat, coupled usually with fine guard hairs and resulting in lack of texture. Does not indicate a slipping coat.
- Lopped Ear
- Pendulous ear. Not carried erect. Falling to the side or front.
- Luster
- Brightness and brilliance of fur.
- Malocclusion
- An inherited defect where the upper and lower jaws do not let the teeth meet, resulting in long, uneven teeth extending out of the rabbit's mouth.
- Mandolin
- The body of the rabbit is pear shaped, having the appearance of a mandolin laid face down. Back and saddle arch toward loins to make noticeably large, broad hindquarters.
- Marked
- A rabbit's fur usually white, which is broken up by an orderly placement of another color. Also refers to rabbits that carry the pattern of the Tan variety.
- Massive
- A term meaning bulky and heavy. Ponderous or large.
- Meaty
- The quality of being able to carry a large proportion of meat for the size and type of rabbit. A noticeable meatiness at the forequarters, back, saddle, loins, and haunches.
- Molt (Moult)
- The process of shedding or changing the fur twice each year. The baby or nest fur is molted at two months. The first natural coat of fur is fully developed at 4 to 6 months.
- Muzzle
- The projecting portion of the head surrounding the mouth, nose, and lower jaw.
- Nationals
- a national specialty show held by a national specialty club (such as the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club) and sponsored by a local club. The HLRSC show is in the spring.
- Neck
- That part of the rabbit connecting the head and body.
- Nest Box
- A kindling box inside the hutch or cage hole where the kits are born and live for the first 18 to 21 days.
- Off-Colored
- Applied to several hairs or patches of fur foreign to the standard color of the rabbit.
- Open
- Shows that are open to exhibitors of all ages.
- Open Coat
- Fur that is beginning to lose its texture and luster and is almost ready to molt.
- Out breeding
- A breeding program involving the mating of unrelated rabbits of the same breed.
- Pair
- A male and a female rabbit.
- Palpation
- A method of examining by touch used to determine if a doe is pregnant and will bear young.
- Patches
- Small sections of fur with a color foreign to the standard of the rabbit.
- Paunch
- The prominent portion of the abdomen of the rabbit.
- Peanut
- A bunny with two dwarf genes, which is a fatal combination.
- Pedigree
- A written chart of the male and female ancestors of a rabbit, showing the date of birth and the parents, grandparents, and great grandparents of the rabbit.
- Pelage
- The fur coat or covering.
- Pepper and Salt
- A flat, unattractive appearance of black and white ticking.
- Phenotype
- The appearance of the individual rabbit.
- Poor Coat
- A term describing fur that is not in good condition through molting, rust, poor grooming, or ill health of the rabbit.
- Pre-Junior
- an unofficial term for rabbits that are old enough to be weaned but not mature enough to show as a junior.
- Processing
- The process of killing and preparing a rabbit for market.
- Quality Points
- HLRSC members earn two quality points for each Best of Breed and Best In Show and one quality point for each Best Opposite Sex and Best Reserve (also Best 4 Class, when available) won in sanctioned shows.
- Rabbit
- A domesticated lagamorph of the genus Orctolagus Cuniculus.
- Rabbitry
- A rabbit-raising enterprise or a place where domestic rabbits are kept.
- Racy
- A term meaning slim, trim, slender in body and legs, hare like, alert, and active.
- Registrar
- A person who, after taking a test and meeting other eligibility requirements, is certified by ARBA to evaluate rabbits and register them if they meet standards. ARBA sanctioned shows are required to have a registrar available.
- Registration
- The process of certifying that a rabbit meets the qualifications established by the ARBA for that breed and has a three-generation pedigree (see above). Requires examination by a licensed registrar.
- Ruby-eyed white; white bunny with ruby eyes resulting from two REW (cc) genes.
- Ribs
- The curved portions of the sides immediately back of the shoulders and above the belly.
- Rump
- The hind portion of the back and bones.
- Rust
- A reddish-brown coloration of fur, usually appearing on the side, flanks, or feet of rabbits, having the appearance of iron rust and being foreign to the standard color. Rust usually appears in American Blues, Black Havanas, and Lilacs. May be caused by fading through over-exposure to the sunlight, dirty hutches, or dead hair about to molt.
- Sanctioned
- Shows that abide by ARBA and HLRSC (and perhaps local association) show rules and pay sanction fees are said to be ARBA sanctioned and/or HLRSC sanctioned (and perhaps sanctioned by other clubs as well). Sweepstakes points are accumulated only from sanctioned shows. Only legs earned at ARBA sanctioned shows can be used to earn a Grand Champion certification.
- Saddle
- The rounded, intermediate portion of the back between the shoulder and loin.
- Sandy
- The color of sand, as in sand-gray Flemish Giants. Gray with reddish brown cast interspersed with dark guard hairs.
- Screw Tail
- A tail that is twisted. A corkscrew tail has more than one turn and is a disqualification.
- Self or Self-Colored
- A fur color pattern where the hair colors are the same on each hair shaft all over the bunny. The pattern that may be modified by the c-series gene (such as in sable point). Black is an example of a self color.
- Senior
- A show class term referring to rabbits that fulfill the weight requirements of the breed and that are: 6 months of age and older in those breeds having two show classes (Junior and Senior) or 8 months of age and older in those breeds having three show classes (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior).
- Service
- The mating act of the buck with the doe.
- Shadow Bars
- Weakness of self-color in the fur of both fore and hind feet, appearing in the form of white or lighter colored bars running across the feet. Acts as a severe cut or penalty in scoring. Occurs more often in the agouti breeds than in selfs.
- Shoulder
- The uppermost joint of the foreleg, connecting it with the body.
- Silvered
- A term describing an abundance of silver-white or sliver-tipped guard hairs interspersed through the fur that produces a lustrous silvery appearance.
- Six Class Rabbits
- Rabbit show category for all breeds having ideal senior weight of 9 pounds and over. There are six show classes for these rabbits: senior bucks, senior does, intermediate bucks, intermediate does, junior bucks and junior does.
- Slipping Coat
- A coat that is shedding or molting a profusion of hairs.
- Slobbers
- Excessive salivation creating wet or extremely moist and unsightly fur around the mouth and lower jaw and forelegs.
- Smut
- A term describing slate grey fur that is foreign to the standard color for the breed. Example: Creme D'Argent.
- Snaky
- A term describing the slender, narrow body that is typical of the Himalayan.
- Snipey
- A term describing a narrow and elongated head, with an appearance of undue leanness.
- Solid-Colored
- The condition of having the same color uniformity over the entire animal, not mixed with any color. Having no markings or shadings.
- Sport
- A rabbit not true to the characteristic markings of its breed. Examples: English Spots, Rhinelanders, or Checkered Giants lacking white color.
- Spraddled Legs
- A term describing forefeet bowed outward when viewed from the front. Knock-kneed. Hind feet not set parallel with the body. Turned outward from the hock joint.
- Stocky
- A term meaning compact, stout, and cobby.
- Stops
- In the Dutch, the white part of the hind foot extending upward from toes and ending abruptly about one third of the way to the hocks.
- Strain
- A race or stock of rabbits in any standard breed of the same family blood, having the quality of reproducing marked racial characteristics.
- Stringy
- The quality of having a ropy or sinewy finish, noticeable in the larger breeds of rabbits if not properly fattened for market.
- Sway Back
- The condition of having a distinct fall or scoop in that portion of the back between the shoulders and hindquarters, as distinguished from a gradually arching back.
- Sweep
- An unbroken flow of designated markings. There should be no gaps or congested areas.
- Symmetry
- A harmonious proportion of head, ears, legs, and body structure conforming to the standard type of the breed represented.
- Tail Carriage
- The way in which a rabbit carries its tail. A tail being carried to one side or the other has poor tail carriage.
- Tattoo
- A code punched in the ear as a permanent method of identification.
- Texture
- The character of fur as determined by feel or touch, such as "fine" or "coarse" texture.
- Ticking
- A wavy distribution of longer guard hair throughout the fur. Ticking is usually produced by black-tipped guard hairs and adds to the beauty of the fur. Examples: Chinchillas, Flemish Giants, and Belgian Hares.
- Tort
- Short for tortoiseshell, the most prevalent Holland Lop fur color; when used alone refers to black tortoiseshell rather than blue, chocolate or lilac tortoiseshell.
- Trio
- One buck and two does.
- Tucked Up
- The trim appearance of a Belgian Hare, with rounded body and breast and belly gathered in closely to form an arch when the rabbit is sitting.
- Type
- A term used to denote body conformation of a rabbit or shape of a particular part of a rabbit, as in "head type". The general description of the physical makeup of the rabbit.
- Typical
- A term describing an ideal representative of any given breed or variety as applied to type, color, or fur quality.
- Under Color
- The base of the fur shaft. Shaft next to the skin. Not the belly fur of the rabbit.
- Uterus
- Organ in the doe in which developing kits are contained and nourished before birth. Also called the womb.
- Variety
- A subdivision of any recognized standard breed, distinct in color of fur from other subdivisions.
- Wall Eyes (Moon Eyes)
- The condition of having a milky film over the cornea or appearance similar to a moonstone. Colored eyes having an extremely light iris, giving the eye a glazed appearance.
- Weaning
- The process by which young rabbits become independent of the doe for their nourishment. A young rabbit is weaned when it is between 4 and 8 weeks old, depending on the breeding schedule used and the breed of rabbit.
- Wolf Teeth
- Protruding or elongated teeth in the upper and lower jaw caused by improper alignment of the upper and lower front teeth preventing normal eating action.
- Wool
- A term describing the fur of Angora rabbits. The guard hairs and under-fur being 2-1/2 to 5 inches long and resembling fine wool in texture.
- Wry Tail
- Abnormally bent, curled, or twisted tail. Permanently held to one side. A disqualification for a rabbit.
To cull or not to cull
To cull or not to cull…that is the question…
There is more than one definition for the word cull. I will talk about them here.Euthanasia as a form of culling…
I live in the United States where euthanasia as a form of culling is not considered a bad thing, especially when you have a sick rabbit or one with bad teeth. If you are raising show rabbits, you want to have the strongest and healthiest rabbits that you possibly can. If you treat a sick rabbit and are successful and breed that rabbit, you are passing along unhealthy genes or at least the propensity to have offspring that are more susceptible to getting sick. I personally would rather euthanize a sick rabbit than to spend the time and money to get it well. People who continually give antibiotics for things such as pasturella are only masking the symptoms, the disease is still there! It has been proven that pasturella in rabbits is not curable! If you have a rabbit that is sneezing and it has white or yellowish discharge coming from it’s nose, it does not necessarily mean it is pasturella. Only a culture will tell you if it is or is not. But I will cull any rabbit from my barn that has those symptoms. Fortunately, I have not had this happen very much.
Sickly babies… I do not do any heroics in trying to save them. I have done that in the past and 99% of the time, they die anyway. I know it sounds cruel but I will put that baby down. It’s going to die anyway so why let it suffer until it does. Rabbits do not make any sound when in pain, but look into that rabbits eyes, feel it’s body, you know it is in pain. The humane thing to do is to euthanize it. The same thing goes with peanuts…if you see a peanut in the litter as soon as it is born, do not let it suffer. A peanut cannot eat. It has no way of digesting food. It suffers miserably until it dies. The most humane way to deal with a peanut is to take it immediately from the litter, put it in a small baggie, pull the air out of the baggie and put it in the freezer. It will die immediately.
Rabbits with bad teeth… If there is a simple butting of teeth I may let it grow up a bit to see if the teeth straighten out. But if the teeth have malocclusion and you have to continually clips its teeth to keep the teeth from growing into the jaw or the nasal passage, euthanize. I mean, come on, what kind of life is that for a rabbit, continually having the stress of you prying open their mouth so you can clip their teeth?
Taking rabbits to a raptor rescue or snake farm as a form of culling…
As a breeder of show rabbits, I cannot keep every single rabbit that is born in my barn. I keep only the ones that are show quality. I try to pet out as many as I can (will talk about that later) but there are so many people selling pet bunnies, it’s not possible to sell all your non-show quality rabbits as pets. Luckily we have a place here that actually raises snakes, all kinds and sizes from the tiniest ones to the huge Boa Constrictors! We raise rabbits, they raise snakes! The larger snakes can eat a very large rabbit! We take our rabbits that we don’t want to keep and can’t sell as pets to this place. We get paid for them! I don’t know how they feed the snakes and I don’t want to know, but I know that every living thing on earth has to eat, including snakes! We are able to provide that!
There are also places here in the United States called raptor rescues and wild animal rescues. These places are always in need of food for their animals. A lot of the zoos here also will take rabbits as food for their animals. What you have to remember is that rabbits are not predators anywhere whether in the wild or in captivity. They are prey and as such, make good food for places that I have described here.
Selling rabbits as pets as a form of culling…
For a healthy rabbit, but one that is not the quality that you want for your show herd, you can sell that rabbit as a pet! We have pet stores everywhere here that will possibly take your rabbits to sell in their store. You can advertise in your local newspaper or online. But if you are wanting to keep the best quality possible in your herd then you have to cull hard! That means that even though that bunny is cute, it does not mean that it is going to show well. If the rabbit is healthy and has good teeth, then someone may want to give it a good home. I have sold lots of rabbits as pets. I have always had a good response from people who have purchased a pet from me. I even got a Christmas card one year with a picture of the rabbit I sold on it with a Santa hat on it’s head…so cute!!
In reading Timothy’s blog “Moving Along” dated 11/11/09, I see that he has finally figured out that he needs to cull (sell to a pet home) a rabbit that is not the quality he wants in his show herd! Yes, Skor is cute! Yes, Skor is lovable! But is Skor show quality? No. Will he pass on those genes of being long in body and having fine bone? Yes! So kudos to Timothy for making this decision to not use Skor in his breeding program! I applaud you, Timothy!
I welcome any questions or comments anyone might want to have for me! Thank you Timothy, for allowing me to be a guest blogger!
Teri Reymann
Sonshine Rabbitry
Monday, July 22, 2013
Domestic Rabbits
A domestic rabbit or more commonly known as simply the rabbit is any of the several varieties of European rabbit that have been domesticated. Male rabbits are called bucks; females are called does. An older term for an adult rabbit is coney, while rabbit referred only to the young animals. More recently, the term kit or kitten has been used to refer to a young rabbit. A young hare is called a leveret; this term is sometimes informally applied to a young rabbit as well.
Phoenician sailors visiting the coast of Spain c. 12th century BC, mistaking the European rabbit for a species from their homeland (the rock hyrax Procavia capensis), gave it the name i-shepan-ham (land or island of hyraxes). A theory exists that a corruption of this name, used by the Romans, became the Latin name for Spain, Hispania – although this theory is somewhat controversial. In Rome rabbits were raised in large walled colonies.
Selective breeding of rabbits began in the Middle Ages, when they were first treated as domesticated farm animals. By the 16th century, several new breeds of different colors and sizes were being recorded.
In the 19th century, as animal fancy in general began to emerge, rabbit fanciers began to sponsor rabbit exhibitions and fairs in Western Europe and the United States. Breeds were created and modified for the added purpose of exhibition, a departure from the breeds that had been created solely for food, fur, or wool. The rabbit's emergence as a household pet began during the Victorian era.
Domestic Rabbits have been popular in the United States since the late 19th century. What became known as the "Belgian Hare Boom", began with the importation of the first Belgian Hares from England in 1888 and soon after the founding of the first rabbit club in America, the American Belgian Hare Association. From 1898 to 1901, many thousands of Belgian Hares were imported to America. Today, the Belgian Hare is considered one of the rarest breeds with less than 200 in the United States as reported in a recent survey.
The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) was founded in 1910 and is the national authority on rabbit raising and rabbit breeds having a uniform Standard of Perfection, registration and judging system. The domestic rabbit continues to be popular as a show animal and pet. Many thousand rabbit shows occur each year and are sanctioned in Canada and the United States by the ARBA. Today, the domesticated rabbit is the third most popular mammalian pet in Britain after dogs and cats.
Rabbits have been, and continue to be, used in laboratory work such as production of antibodies for vaccines and research of human male reproductive system toxicology. The Environmental Health Perspective, published by the National Institute of Health, states, "The rabbit [is] an extremely valuable model for studying the effects of chemicals or other stimuli on the male reproductive system." According to the Humane Society of the United States, rabbits are also used extensively in the study of bronchial asthma, stroke prevention treatments, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and cancer. Animal rights activists have opposed animal experimentation for non-medical purposes, such as the testing of cosmetic and cleaning products, which has resulted in decreased use of rabbits in these areas.
There are many different breeds of domestic rabbit, with various sizes, temperaments, and care requirements. As with breeds of dogs,
rabbit breeds were selectively bred by humans at different times to
achieve certain desired characteristics (including coat color and
texture, size, and body shape). Care requirements have been greatly
altered; for example, some new breeds need grooming a few times a day
without fail, whereas others, such as the Holland lop, have a tendency
to develop dental problems. Temperaments can vary slightly with breed
and gender, as with any animal. There are over 50 rabbit breeds
recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in the United
States. There are many more breeds of rabbits worldwide.
Most genetic defects in the domestic rabbit are due to recessive genes. These genes are carefully tracked by fanciers of the breeds who show them; just as dog fanciers carefully check for hip/eye and heart problems, rabbit fanciers extensively follow their own lines to remove unwanted defects. However, unpure dwarf-size breeds, which are bred for pets by non-fancier breeders, are not carefully screened for health problems, and may still develop these defects.
Commercial pellets are available in most countries in a variety of formulations, and are typically fed to adult rabbits in limited quantities to prevent obesity. Most pellets are based on alfalfa as a protein and fiber source, with other grains being used to complete the carbohydrate requirements. Minerals and vitamins geared toward specific requirements of rabbits are added during production. Many commercial rabbit raisers also feed grass hay, although this can represent a hygiene issue in rabbitries.
In contrast, a pet rabbit's diet may require fewer calories and energy, while taking advantage of many home-prepared ingredients. Many rabbit welfare organisations and veterinarians recommended that a pet rabbit's diet should model off an approximation of a wild rabbit's natural diet as a foraging animal. An often recommended feeding strategy for pet rabbits consists of grass hay, various combinations of leafy green vegetables, and limited commercial pellets. In this case, the focus is on providing adequate fiber. Testing trials to determine if this diet meets the animal's requirements for minerals and vitamins have not been done for hay/vegetable/pellet diets in the same way that pellet diets have been researched.
A diet including too many pellets, root vegetables or sugary fruits can lead to diarrhea, obesity, poor wear on molar teeth and other health problems. Studies have shown that although a short changeover period is needed, domestic rabbits are highly adaptable to diets produced from locally available forage products in developing countries
After a rabbit ingests food, the food travels down the esophagus and through a small valve called the cardia. In rabbits, this valve is very well pronounced and makes the rabbit incapable of vomiting. The food enters the stomach after passing through the cardia. Food then moves to the stomach and small intestine where a majority of nutrient extraction and absorption takes place. Food then passes into the colon and eventually into the cecum. Peristaltic muscle contractions (waves of motion) help to separate fibrous and non-fibrous particles. The non-fibrous particles are then moved backwards up the colon, through the illeo-cecal valve, and into the cecum. Symbiotic bacteria in the cecum help to further digest the non-fibrous particles into a more metabolically manageable substance. After as little as three hours, a soft, fecal pellet, called a cecotrope, is expelled from the rabbit’s anus. The rabbit instinctively eats these grape-like pellets, without chewing, in exchange keeping the mucous coating intact. This coating protects the vitamin- and nutrient-rich bacteria from stomach acid, until it reaches the small intestine, where the nutrients from the cecotrope can be absorbed.
The soft pellets contain a sufficiently large portion of nutrients that are critical to the rabbit’s health. This soft fecal matter is rich in vitamin B and other nutrients. The process of coprophagy is important to the stability of a rabbit’s digestive health because it is one important way that which a rabbit receives vitamin B in a form that is useful to its digestive wellness.Occasionally, the rabbit may leave these pellets lying about its cage; this behavior is harmless and usually related to an ample food supply.
When caecal pellets are wet and runny (semi-liquid) and stick to the rabbit and surrounding objects they are called Intermittent Soft Cecotropes (ISCs). This is different from ordinary diarrhea and is usually caused by a diet too high in carbohydrates or too low in fiber. Soft fruit or salad items such as lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are possible causes. Increasing dietary fiber and decreasing carbohydrates should restore the gut flora to normal in the cecum and return gastrointestinal tract motility to normal. This can be avoided by providing a healthy diet of unlimited grass hay as the main part with fibrous green foods such as broccoli and cabbage and limited high fiber/low energy pellets. Note also that there are other more serious but uncommon causes such as cancer, intestinal obstructions and abscesses.
Rabbits have been kept as pets in Western
nations since the 19th century. Neutered (spayed or castrated) rabbits
kept indoors with proper care may have a lifespan of 8 to 12 years. Rabbits are especially popular as pets in the United States during the Easter season, due to their association with the holiday. However, animal shelters
that accept rabbits often complain that during the weeks and months
following Easter, there is a rise of unwanted and neglected rabbits that
were bought as Easter "gifts", especially for children.
Rabbits are relatively inexpensive to keep when compared to larger animals, such as dogs or horses, although their care can still be moderately costly. Currently, regulations do not require vaccinations for rabbits in the USA. Rabbits in the United Kingdom require viral haemorrhagic disease and Myxomatosis vaccinations. Pet rabbits can be kept outdoors or indoors. Accommodations can range from an outdoor hutch to an indoor cage or pen to the free run of the home. Veterinarians with experience with rabbits can be difficult to locate. However, disease is rare when rabbits are raised in sanitary conditions and provided with adequate care. Regular brushing of the coat helps to increase sanitation and reduce ingestion of loose fur. Regular trimming of the nails is required if pet rabbits live indoors where they can not dig.
Breeds such as the New Zealand and Californian are frequently utilized for meat in commercial rabbitries. These breeds have efficient metabolisms and grow quickly; they are ready for slaughter by approximately 14 to 16 weeks of age.
Rabbit fryers are rabbits that are between 70 to 90 days of age, and weighing between 3 to 5 lb (1 to 2 kg) live weight. Rabbit roasters are rabbits from 90 days to 6 months of age weighing between 5 to 8 lb (2 to 3.5 kg) live weight. Rabbit stewers are rabbits from 6 months on weighing over 8 lb.
Any type of rabbit can be slaughtered for meat, but those exhibiting the "commercial" body type are most commonly raised for meat purposes. Dark fryers (any other color but albino whites) are sometimes lower in price than albino fryers because of the slightly darker tinge of the fryer (purely pink carcasses are preferred by consumers) and because the hide is harder to remove manually than the white albino fryers.
All rabbits produce fur. Rabbits such as the Palomino, Satin, Chinchilla rabbit and Rex rabbit
are commonly raised for fur. Each breed has unique coloring and fur
characteristics. The rabbit is fed a diet especially balanced for fur
production and the pelts are harvested when they have reached prime
condition. Rabbit fur is widely used throughout the world. China imports
much of its fur from Scandinavia (80%) and North America (5%) according
to the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report CH7607.
The New Zealand White is one of the most commonly used breeds for research and testing.
Animal rights activists generally oppose animal experimentation for all purposes, and rabbits are no exception. The use of rabbits for the Draize test, which is used for, amongst other things, testing cosmetics on animals, has been cited as an example of cruelty in animal research. Albino rabbits are typically used in the Draize tests because they have less tear flow than other animals, and the lack of eye pigment makes the effects easier to visualize
Rabbits can live outside in properly constructed housing or hutches.
Hutches provide protection from the elements in winter and keep rabbits
cool in summer heat. To protect from predators rabbit hutches are
usually situated in a fenced yard, shed, barn, or other enclosed structure.
Whether housed indoors or out, all rabbits can be provided shelves,
ramps or tunnels, toys or other enrichment items. Rabbit waste can be
measured in cubic yards per year. This waste is excellent for gardening
and composting, and can be collected for these uses whether the rabbit
is housed indoors or outdoors. An outdoor cage should be as large as
possible, at least high enough for the rabbit to stand on its back legs
without its head touching the ceiling. It should be large enough to
enable the rabbit to take 4 or 5 hops along its length and width. The
shelter may be heated in winter (although most rabbits can be kept
outside with extra bedding even into temperatures well below freezing)
and should be shaded or otherwise appropriately cooled in summer. Clean
water must be available at all times, especially in hot weather to keep
temperatures below 85 degrees. Large rabbits (such as the New Zealand
breed) do fine in temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius/15 degrees
Fahrenheit in a hutch with plenty of straw, if their needs for food and
water are well met. Water cups or bottles that become frozen in cold
weather must be changed two or three times daily. Below -10 degrees
Celsius/15 degrees Fahrenheit it is necessary to shelter all animals in a
barn or basement or garage. Covering cages three quarters of the way
with a blanket, several cages grouped together, can generate a great
deal of heat. One rule of thumb is at least eight pounds of animal per
cage. Even newborn rabbits do well in cold if they have sufficient nest
and many siblings to snuggle with. They should stay with the mother for
longer periods of time in the winter for warmth. Domesticated rabbits
are most comfortable in temperatures between 10 to 21 degrees C (50 to
70 degrees F), and cannot endure temperatures above 32 degrees C (90
degrees F) well without assistance such as deep shade, cold stones,
frozen water bottles or fans.
Rabbits require clean environments and all housing should be cleaned regularly to ensure that no build-up of feces or urine occurs. Rabbit droppings are often left in beds with red worms to create compost, added to compost bins for enrichment of the compost, or applied directly to a garden as a "cool" fertilizer that will not burn plants.
Rabbits can be litter trained, which makes it much easier to clean up after them. Dust free litter that will not cause health problems if ingested is used for rabbits.
There are 10 color gene groups (or loci) in rabbits. They are A, B, C, D, E, En, Du, Si, V, and W. Each locus has dominant and recessive genes. In addition to the loci there are also modifiers, which modify a certain gene. These include the rufus modifiers, color intensifiers, and plus/minus (blanket/spot) modifiers. A rabbit's coat only has two pigments, pheomelanin (yellow) and eumelanin (dark brown). There can also be no pigment, causing an albino or white rabbit.
Color Genes
Within each group, the genes are listed in order of dominance, with the most dominant gene first. In parenthesis after the description is at least one example of a color that displays this gene.
GI stasis is the condition of food not moving through the gut as quickly as normal. The gut contents may dehydrate and compact into a hard, immobile mass (impacted gut), blocking the digestive tract of the rabbit. Food in an immobile gut may also ferment, causing significant gas buildup and resultant gas pain for the rabbit.
The first noticeable symptom of GI stasis may be that the rabbit suddenly stops eating. Treatment frequently includes intravenous or subcutaneous fluid therapy (rehydration through injection of a balanced electrolyte solution), pain control, possible careful massage to promote gas expulsion and comfort, drugs to promote gut motility, and careful monitoring of all inputs and outputs. The rabbit's diet may also be changed as part of treatment, to include force-feeding to ensure adequate nutrition. Surgery to remove the blockage is not generally recommended and comes with a poor prognosis.
Some rabbits are more prone to GI stasis than others. The causes of GI stasis are not completely understood, but common contributing factors are thought to include stress, reduced food intake, low fiber in the diet, dehydration and reduction in exercise. Stress factors can include changes in housing, transportation, or medical procedures under anesthesia. As many of these factors may occur together (poor dental structure leading to decreased food intake, followed by a stressful veterinary dental procedure to correct the dental problem) establishing a root cause may be difficult.
GI stasis is sometimes misdiagnosed as "hair balls" by veterinarians or rabbit keepers not familiar with the condition. While fur is commonly found in the stomach following a fatal case of gi stasis, it is also found in healthy rabbits. Molting and chewing fur can be a predisposing factor in the occurrence of gi stasis, however, the primary cause is the change in motility of the gut.
info was gathered from Wikipedia
Rabbits kept in cages for scientific experimentation
Selective breeding of rabbits began in the Middle Ages, when they were first treated as domesticated farm animals. By the 16th century, several new breeds of different colors and sizes were being recorded.
In the 19th century, as animal fancy in general began to emerge, rabbit fanciers began to sponsor rabbit exhibitions and fairs in Western Europe and the United States. Breeds were created and modified for the added purpose of exhibition, a departure from the breeds that had been created solely for food, fur, or wool. The rabbit's emergence as a household pet began during the Victorian era.
Domestic Rabbits have been popular in the United States since the late 19th century. What became known as the "Belgian Hare Boom", began with the importation of the first Belgian Hares from England in 1888 and soon after the founding of the first rabbit club in America, the American Belgian Hare Association. From 1898 to 1901, many thousands of Belgian Hares were imported to America. Today, the Belgian Hare is considered one of the rarest breeds with less than 200 in the United States as reported in a recent survey.
The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) was founded in 1910 and is the national authority on rabbit raising and rabbit breeds having a uniform Standard of Perfection, registration and judging system. The domestic rabbit continues to be popular as a show animal and pet. Many thousand rabbit shows occur each year and are sanctioned in Canada and the United States by the ARBA. Today, the domesticated rabbit is the third most popular mammalian pet in Britain after dogs and cats.
Rabbits have been, and continue to be, used in laboratory work such as production of antibodies for vaccines and research of human male reproductive system toxicology. The Environmental Health Perspective, published by the National Institute of Health, states, "The rabbit [is] an extremely valuable model for studying the effects of chemicals or other stimuli on the male reproductive system." According to the Humane Society of the United States, rabbits are also used extensively in the study of bronchial asthma, stroke prevention treatments, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and cancer. Animal rights activists have opposed animal experimentation for non-medical purposes, such as the testing of cosmetic and cleaning products, which has resulted in decreased use of rabbits in these areas.
Most genetic defects in the domestic rabbit are due to recessive genes. These genes are carefully tracked by fanciers of the breeds who show them; just as dog fanciers carefully check for hip/eye and heart problems, rabbit fanciers extensively follow their own lines to remove unwanted defects. However, unpure dwarf-size breeds, which are bred for pets by non-fancier breeders, are not carefully screened for health problems, and may still develop these defects.
The domestic rabbit's diet depends upon whether it is a pet, a meat or a fur rabbit. Meat and fur rabbits are fed diets which will improve meat or fur production and allow for the safe delivery of large litters of healthy kits while minimising costs and producing faeces which meet waste regulations where appropriate.Commercial pellets are available in most countries in a variety of formulations, and are typically fed to adult rabbits in limited quantities to prevent obesity. Most pellets are based on alfalfa as a protein and fiber source, with other grains being used to complete the carbohydrate requirements. Minerals and vitamins geared toward specific requirements of rabbits are added during production. Many commercial rabbit raisers also feed grass hay, although this can represent a hygiene issue in rabbitries.
In contrast, a pet rabbit's diet may require fewer calories and energy, while taking advantage of many home-prepared ingredients. Many rabbit welfare organisations and veterinarians recommended that a pet rabbit's diet should model off an approximation of a wild rabbit's natural diet as a foraging animal. An often recommended feeding strategy for pet rabbits consists of grass hay, various combinations of leafy green vegetables, and limited commercial pellets. In this case, the focus is on providing adequate fiber. Testing trials to determine if this diet meets the animal's requirements for minerals and vitamins have not been done for hay/vegetable/pellet diets in the same way that pellet diets have been researched.
A diet including too many pellets, root vegetables or sugary fruits can lead to diarrhea, obesity, poor wear on molar teeth and other health problems. Studies have shown that although a short changeover period is needed, domestic rabbits are highly adaptable to diets produced from locally available forage products in developing countries
Coprophagy and rabbits
Rabbits are hindgut fermenters and therefore have an enlarged cecum. The cecum allows rabbits to digest, via fermentation what they otherwise would not be able to metabolically process. Because a rabbit has a sensitive and rather substantial gastrointestinal tract, a rabbit’s diet should consist of some amount of fiber. Without a proper diet, gastrointestinal stasis can occur and have detrimental effects on the animal itself. It is in the cecum that this fiber is digested.After a rabbit ingests food, the food travels down the esophagus and through a small valve called the cardia. In rabbits, this valve is very well pronounced and makes the rabbit incapable of vomiting. The food enters the stomach after passing through the cardia. Food then moves to the stomach and small intestine where a majority of nutrient extraction and absorption takes place. Food then passes into the colon and eventually into the cecum. Peristaltic muscle contractions (waves of motion) help to separate fibrous and non-fibrous particles. The non-fibrous particles are then moved backwards up the colon, through the illeo-cecal valve, and into the cecum. Symbiotic bacteria in the cecum help to further digest the non-fibrous particles into a more metabolically manageable substance. After as little as three hours, a soft, fecal pellet, called a cecotrope, is expelled from the rabbit’s anus. The rabbit instinctively eats these grape-like pellets, without chewing, in exchange keeping the mucous coating intact. This coating protects the vitamin- and nutrient-rich bacteria from stomach acid, until it reaches the small intestine, where the nutrients from the cecotrope can be absorbed.
The soft pellets contain a sufficiently large portion of nutrients that are critical to the rabbit’s health. This soft fecal matter is rich in vitamin B and other nutrients. The process of coprophagy is important to the stability of a rabbit’s digestive health because it is one important way that which a rabbit receives vitamin B in a form that is useful to its digestive wellness.Occasionally, the rabbit may leave these pellets lying about its cage; this behavior is harmless and usually related to an ample food supply.
When caecal pellets are wet and runny (semi-liquid) and stick to the rabbit and surrounding objects they are called Intermittent Soft Cecotropes (ISCs). This is different from ordinary diarrhea and is usually caused by a diet too high in carbohydrates or too low in fiber. Soft fruit or salad items such as lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are possible causes. Increasing dietary fiber and decreasing carbohydrates should restore the gut flora to normal in the cecum and return gastrointestinal tract motility to normal. This can be avoided by providing a healthy diet of unlimited grass hay as the main part with fibrous green foods such as broccoli and cabbage and limited high fiber/low energy pellets. Note also that there are other more serious but uncommon causes such as cancer, intestinal obstructions and abscesses.
Does are induced ovulators, and can therefore be bred at almost any time after reaching sexual maturity. Does of small breeds (Mini Rex, Polish) normally reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 months, medium breeds (New Zealand, Rex) normally reach sexual maturity at 5 to 6 months, and large breeds (Flemish Giant, Checkered Giant) normally reach sexual maturity at 6 to 7 months. Males usually require more time to fully mature, and normally reach adult sperm counts between 6–7 months. Due to the territorial nature of female rabbits, it is standard practice for the doe to always be brought to the buck’s cage. When the doe is brought to the bucks’ cage, he quickly mounts her, performs pelvic thrusting culminating in orgasm, and “flops” off. The whole act may take less than 30 seconds, and is often repeated several times. When he is finished, the buck should then be removed, but many breeders will reintroduce the buck a few hours later to increase the size of the litter.Rabbits as pets
Standard Chinchilla Domestic Rabbit
Rabbits are relatively inexpensive to keep when compared to larger animals, such as dogs or horses, although their care can still be moderately costly. Currently, regulations do not require vaccinations for rabbits in the USA. Rabbits in the United Kingdom require viral haemorrhagic disease and Myxomatosis vaccinations. Pet rabbits can be kept outdoors or indoors. Accommodations can range from an outdoor hutch to an indoor cage or pen to the free run of the home. Veterinarians with experience with rabbits can be difficult to locate. However, disease is rare when rabbits are raised in sanitary conditions and provided with adequate care. Regular brushing of the coat helps to increase sanitation and reduce ingestion of loose fur. Regular trimming of the nails is required if pet rabbits live indoors where they can not dig.
Safety and Health Considerations
Improper holding or handling of pet rabbits can lead to strong kicks by the frightened rabbit which can injure both the animal and the handler. Rabbits will gnaw on anything that is available to them, including electrical cords, cables, and paper products. Electrical components, when chewed by pet rabbits, can cause electrocution and burns. Rabbits have been identified with few zoonotic diseases and are considered a "low risk" to people with competent immune systems. However, a risk of transmission of E. coli, salmonella, and E. cuniculi exists, particularly for people with compromised immune systems.Meat rabbits
Meat-type rabbits being raised as a supplementary food source during the Great Depression
Rabbit fryers are rabbits that are between 70 to 90 days of age, and weighing between 3 to 5 lb (1 to 2 kg) live weight. Rabbit roasters are rabbits from 90 days to 6 months of age weighing between 5 to 8 lb (2 to 3.5 kg) live weight. Rabbit stewers are rabbits from 6 months on weighing over 8 lb.
Any type of rabbit can be slaughtered for meat, but those exhibiting the "commercial" body type are most commonly raised for meat purposes. Dark fryers (any other color but albino whites) are sometimes lower in price than albino fryers because of the slightly darker tinge of the fryer (purely pink carcasses are preferred by consumers) and because the hide is harder to remove manually than the white albino fryers.
Wool rabbits
Rabbits such as the Angora, American Fuzzy Lop, and Jersey Wooly produce wool. However, since the American Fuzzy Lop and Jersey Wooly are both dwarf breeds, only the much larger Angora breeds such as the English Angora, Satin Angora, Giant Angora, and French Angoras are used for commercial wool production. Their long fur is sheared, combed, or plucked (gently pulling loose hairs from the body during molting) and then spun into yarn used to make a variety of products. Angora sweaters can be purchased in many clothing stores and is generally mixed with other types of wool. Rabbit wool, called Angora, is 5 times warmer than sheep's woolFur rabbits
Dried rabbit pelts
Laboratory rabbits
Rabbits have been and continue to be used in laboratory work such as production of antibodies for vaccines and research of human male reproductive system toxicology. In 1972, around 450 000 rabbits were used for experiments in the United States, decreasing to around 240 000 in 2006. The Environmental Health Perspective, published by the National Institute of Health, states, "The rabbit [is] an extremely valuable model for studying the effects of chemicals or other stimuli on the male reproductive system." According to the Humane Society of the United States, rabbits are also used extensively in the study of bronchial asthma, stroke prevention treatments, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and cancer.The New Zealand White is one of the most commonly used breeds for research and testing.
Animal rights activists generally oppose animal experimentation for all purposes, and rabbits are no exception. The use of rabbits for the Draize test, which is used for, amongst other things, testing cosmetics on animals, has been cited as an example of cruelty in animal research. Albino rabbits are typically used in the Draize tests because they have less tear flow than other animals, and the lack of eye pigment makes the effects easier to visualize
Outdoor housing
Rabbits require clean environments and all housing should be cleaned regularly to ensure that no build-up of feces or urine occurs. Rabbit droppings are often left in beds with red worms to create compost, added to compost bins for enrichment of the compost, or applied directly to a garden as a "cool" fertilizer that will not burn plants.
Rabbits can be litter trained, which makes it much easier to clean up after them. Dust free litter that will not cause health problems if ingested is used for rabbits.
Conformation shows
Show rabbits are an increasingly popular activity. Showing rabbits helps to improve the vigor and physical behavior of each breed through competitive selection. County fairs are common venues through which rabbits are shown in the United States. Rabbit clubs at local state and national levels hold many shows each year. On any given weekend one may be able to find a show in most regions of the United States and the United Kingdom. Although only purebred animals are shown, a pedigree is not required to enter a rabbit in an ARBA-sanctioned show but is required to register your rabbit with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). A rabbit must be registered in order to receive a Grand Champion certificate.Children's clubs such as 4-H also include rabbit shows, usually in conjunction with county fairs. The ARBA holds an annual national convention which has as many as 25,000 animals competing form all over the world. The mega show moves to a different city each year. The ARBA also sponsors youth programs for families as well as underprivileged rural and inner city children to learn responsible care and breeding of domestic rabbits.Genetics
There are 10 color gene groups (or loci) in rabbits. They are A, B, C, D, E, En, Du, Si, V, and W. Each locus has dominant and recessive genes. In addition to the loci there are also modifiers, which modify a certain gene. These include the rufus modifiers, color intensifiers, and plus/minus (blanket/spot) modifiers. A rabbit's coat only has two pigments, pheomelanin (yellow) and eumelanin (dark brown). There can also be no pigment, causing an albino or white rabbit.
Color Genes
Within each group, the genes are listed in order of dominance, with the most dominant gene first. In parenthesis after the description is at least one example of a color that displays this gene.
- Note: lower case are recessive and capital letters are dominant
- "A" represents the agouti locus (multiple bands of color on the hair shaft). The genes are:
- A= agouti ("wild color" or chestnut agouti, opal, chinchilla, etc.)
- a(t)= tan pattern (otter, tan, silver marten)
- a= self or non-agouti (black, chocolate)
- "B" represents the brown locus. The genes are:
- B= black (chestnut agouti, black otter, black)
- b= brown (chocolate agouti, chocolate otter, chocolate)
- "C" represents the color locus. The genes are:
- C= full color (black)
- c(ch3)= dark chinchilla, removes yellow pigmentation (chinchilla, silver marten)
- c(ch2)= medium (light) chinchilla, Slight reduction in eumelanin creating a more sepia tone in the fur rather than black.
- c(ch1)= light (pale) chinchilla (sable, sable point, smoke pearl, seal)
- c(h)= Himalayan, body white with extremities ("points") colored in black, blue, chocolate or lilac, pink eyes
- c= albino (ruby-eyed white or REW)
- "D" represents the dilution locus. This gene dilutes black to blue and chocolate to lilac.
- D= dense color (chestnut agouti, black, chocolate)
- d= diluted color (opal, blue or lilac)
- "E" represents the extension locus. It works with the 'A' and 'C'
loci, and rufus modifiers. When it is recessive, it removes most black
pigment. The genes are:
- E(d)= dominant black
- E(s)= steel (black removed from tips of fur, which then appear golden or silver)
- E= normal
- e(j)= Japanese brindling (harlequin), black and yellow pigment broken into patches over the body. In a broken color pattern this results in Tricolor.
- e= most black pigment removed (agouti becomes red or orange, self becomes tortoise)
- "En" represents the plus/minus (blanket/spot) color locus. It is
incompletely dominant and results in three possible color patterns:
- EnEn= "Charlie" or a lightly marked broken with color on ears, on nose and sparsely on body
- Enen= Broken rabbit with roughly even distribution of color and white
- enen= Solid color with no white areas
- "Du" represents the Dutch color pattern, (the front of the face,
front part of the body, and rear paws are white, the rest of the rabbit
has colored fur). The genes are:
- Du= absence of Dutch pattern
- du(d)= Dutch (dark)
- du(w)= Dutch (white)
- "V" represents the vienna white locus. The genes are:
- V= normal color
- Vv= Vienna carrier, carries blue-eyed white gene. May appear as a solid color, with snips of white on nose and/or front paws, or Dutch marked.
- v= vienna white (blue-eyed white or BEW)
- "Si" represents the silver locus. The genes are:
- Si= normal color
- si= silver color (silver, silver fox)
- "W" represents the middle yellow-white band locus and works with the agouti gene. The genes are:
- W= normal width of yellow band
- w= doubles yellow band width (Otter becomes Tan, intensified red factors in Thrianta and Belgian Hare)
- "P" represents the OCA type II form of albinism, P is because it is an integral P protein mutation. The genes are:
- P= normal color
- p= albinism mutation, removes eumelanin and causes pink eyes. (Will change, for example, a Chestnut Agouti into a Shadow)
Health problems
Fly strike
Fly strike is a rare condition which mostly affects rabbits kept in extremely unsanitary conditions and is more likely to occur during summer months. Fly strike happens when flies (particularly the Botfly) lay their eggs in the damp or soiled fur or in an open wound of a rabbit. Within 12 hours, the eggs hatch into the larvae stage of the fly, known as maggots. The maggots, initially small and almost invisible to the naked eye, can burrow into the skin of the rabbit and feed on the animal's tissue. Within 3–4 days, the larvae can be large as 15 mm long. In rare cases, if not treated, the rabbit can pass into shock and die. The most susceptible animals are those living in unsanitary housing, older rabbits who do not move much, and those who are unable to clean their bottom areas carefully. Rabbits raised on solid floors are more susceptible than rabbits raised on wire floors. Rabbits exhibiting one or more episodes of diarrhea are often inspected, especially during the summer months. In 2002, the medicine Rearguard was approved in the United Kingdom for a 10-week per-application prevention of Fly strike.Myxomatosis and West Nile Virus
Myxomatosis is a threat to the health of pet rabbits. Rabbits caged outdoors in Australia are vulnerable in areas with high numbers of mosquitoes. In Europe, fleas are the carriers of myxomatosis. In some countries, annual vaccinations against myxomatosis are available. In Australia pet rabbits cannot be vaccinated against myxomatosis which was introduced to the wild rabbit population as a means of population control. The Australian Government will not allow veterinarians to purchase and use the vaccine that would protect pet rabbits. The keeping of pet rabbits is banned in the Australian state of Queensland.
West Nile Virus is another threat to rabbits. This is a fatal disease, and while there are vaccines available, they are not specifically indicated for rabbits. Recourse against the disease includes limiting the number of mosquitoes that are around pet rabbits.Sore hocks
The formation of open sores on the rabbit's hocks, commonly called "sore hocks," is a problem that commonly afflicts mostly heavy-weight rabbits kept in cages with wire flooring or soiled solid flooring. The problem is most prevalent in rex-furred rabbits and heavy-weight rabbits (9+ pounds in weight), as well as those with thin foot bristles.
The condition results when, over the course of time, the protective bristle-like fur on the rabbit's hocks thins down. Standing urine or other unsanitary cage conditions can exacerbate the problem by irritating the sensitive skin. The exposed skin in turn can result in tender areas or, in severe cases, open sores, which may then become infected and abscessed if not properly cared for.
Most rabbits can live safely on wire floors with the provision of a resting board or mat. Ultra heavy-weight breeds such as Flemish Giants or Checkered Giants are best raised on solid or partially solid flooring. Alternatively, plastic-floored cages can be used in place of wire floors to provide more comfortable flooring.Respiratory infections
An over-diagnosed ailment amongst rabbits is respiratory infection. Pasteurella bacteria, known colloquially as "snuffles," is usually misdiagnosed and has been known to be a factor in the overuse of antibiotics among rabbits.
A runny nose, for instance, can have several causes, among those being high temperature or humidity, extreme stress, environmental pollution (like perfume or incense), or a sinus infection. Options for treating this is removing the pollutant, lowering or raising the temperature accordingly, and medical treatment for sinus infections.
"Runny eyes" can be caused by dental disease or a blockage of the tear duct. Environmental pollution, corneal disease, entropion, distichiasis, or inflammation of the eyes are also causes. This is easy to diagnose as well as treat.
Sneezing can be a sign of environmental pollution (such as too much dust) or food allergy.
While Pasteurella is a bacterium that lives in a rabbit's respiratory tract, it can flourish out of control in some cases. In the rare event that happens, antibiotic treatment is necessary.Head tilt/wry neck/Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi)
Inner ear infections, certain protozoans, strokes, or other diseases or injuries affecting the brain or inner ear can lead to a condition known as wry neck or "head tilt." Although a heavy infestation of ear mites, an ear infection or injury can result in these symptoms, the most common cause of these symptoms is the protozoan parasite E. cuniculi. This condition can be fatal, due to a disorientation that causes the animal to stop eating and drinking. The drugs of choice for treatment and prevention of E. cuniculi infections are the benzimidazole anthelmintics, particularly fenbendazole. In the UK, Panacur Rabbit (containing fenbendazole) is marketed and recommended as a nine day course to help contain this condition and is a simple oral paste to medicate at home. It is sold over the counter. Users in the US or other countries will need to consult with their veterinarians about use and dosage of fenbendazole.Teeth problems
Malocclusion - Malocclusion: Rabbit teeth are open-rooted and continue to grow throughout their lives. In some rabbits, the teeth are not properly aligned, a condition called malocclusion. Because of the misaligned nature of the rabbit's teeth, there is no normal wear to control the length to which the teeth grow. There are three main causes of malocclusion, most commonly genetic predisposition, injury, or bacterial infection. In the case of congenital malocclusion, treatment usually involves veterinary visits in which the teeth are treated with a dental burr (a procedure called crown reduction or, more commonly, teeth clipping) or, in some cases, permanently removed. In cases of simple malocclusion, a block of wood for the rabbit to chew on can rectify this problem
- Molar spurs: These are spurs that can dig into the rabbit's tongue and/or cheek causing pain. These can be filed down by an experienced veterinarian with a dental burr.
Gastrointestinal stasis
Gastrointestinal stasis is a serious and potentially fatal condition that occurs in some rabbits in which gut motility is severely reduced and possibly completely stopped. When untreated or improperly treated, GI stasis can be fatal in as little as 24 hours.GI stasis is the condition of food not moving through the gut as quickly as normal. The gut contents may dehydrate and compact into a hard, immobile mass (impacted gut), blocking the digestive tract of the rabbit. Food in an immobile gut may also ferment, causing significant gas buildup and resultant gas pain for the rabbit.
The first noticeable symptom of GI stasis may be that the rabbit suddenly stops eating. Treatment frequently includes intravenous or subcutaneous fluid therapy (rehydration through injection of a balanced electrolyte solution), pain control, possible careful massage to promote gas expulsion and comfort, drugs to promote gut motility, and careful monitoring of all inputs and outputs. The rabbit's diet may also be changed as part of treatment, to include force-feeding to ensure adequate nutrition. Surgery to remove the blockage is not generally recommended and comes with a poor prognosis.
Some rabbits are more prone to GI stasis than others. The causes of GI stasis are not completely understood, but common contributing factors are thought to include stress, reduced food intake, low fiber in the diet, dehydration and reduction in exercise. Stress factors can include changes in housing, transportation, or medical procedures under anesthesia. As many of these factors may occur together (poor dental structure leading to decreased food intake, followed by a stressful veterinary dental procedure to correct the dental problem) establishing a root cause may be difficult.
GI stasis is sometimes misdiagnosed as "hair balls" by veterinarians or rabbit keepers not familiar with the condition. While fur is commonly found in the stomach following a fatal case of gi stasis, it is also found in healthy rabbits. Molting and chewing fur can be a predisposing factor in the occurrence of gi stasis, however, the primary cause is the change in motility of the gut.
Veterinary care
Rabbits visit the vet for routine check ups, vaccination and when ill or injured. Some veterinary surgeons have a special interest in rabbits and some have extra qualifications. In the UK the following post graduate qualifications demonstrate specialist training in rabbits: Certificate in Zoological Medicine, Diploma in Zoological Medicine and Recognised specialist in Rabbit Medicine and Surgery.Routine checkups
Routine check ups usually involve assessment of weight, skin, health and teeth by the owner or a veterinarian. This is essential because a rabbit's health and welfare can be compromised by being overweight or underweight or by having dental problems. Checking the teeth is particularly important part of the examination as back teeth can only be seen with an otoscope. Veterinarians can also give personalised advice on diet and exercise.Vaccinations
Rabbits should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease in the UK.These vaccinations are usually given annually, two weeks apart. If there is an outbreak of Myxomatosis locally this vaccine can be administered every six months for extra protection. However, Myxomatosis immunisations are not available in all countries, including Australia, because of the risk that immunity will pass onto wild rabbits, which is what the disease was created for (the extermination of wild rabbits).Worming
Some vets now recommend de-worming all rabbits against the parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Some studies have indicated that in the UK over 50% of rabbits may be infected with this parasite. Fenbendazole is used as a deworming agent in other species of animal and has shown to be effective in treating rabbits. In the UK it is now sold in paste form as a treatment for rabbits under the brand name Panacur. It is particularly recommended for rabbits kept in colonies and before mixing new rabbits with each other.Ill or Injured
Some of the conditions that can occur in domestic rabbits include the following: dramatic or sudden loss of appetite, severe depression, breathing problems, sudden onset of head tilt, signs of maggot infestation,not passing stools. Rabbits can also be exposed to poisons, involved in an accident, fall from a height or be exposed to smoke. Other rabbits conditions which indicate a need for medical treatment are drooling, unexplained weight loss, diarrhoea or fur loss. There are many other symptoms for which a rabbit requires medical aid or veterinary attention.info was gathered from Wikipedia
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